Prof. Dr. Albena Lederer received her Ph.D. in Physical Chemistry in 1999 from the Max-Planck-Institute of Polymer Research Mainz and the University Mainz and her habilitation degree in Physical Chemistry in 2010 from the Technical University Dresden. Since 2020 she is appointed SASOL Chair in Analytical Polymer Science at the Stellenbosch University. She is the Head of the Center Macromolecular Structure Analysis of the Leibniz-Institute for Polymer Research (IPF) in Dresden. In 2008, she established the Polymer Separation Group at IPF with special focus on advanced separation and scattering techniques for polymer analysis. Since 2020, the Polymer Separation Group is a joint research group between IPF and Stellenbosch University. The current activities of the Polymer Separation Group are related to the nanostructural aspects of complex polymers, novel separation techniques and intermolecular interactions of branched and biofunctional architectures, and in situ characterization of responsive polymer systems. Albena Lederer has longstanding expertise in the characterization of synthetic and natural polymers, biomacromolecular structures, biomaterials, polymer-drug and polymer-protein conjugates. In her group, a number of novel separation and detection approaches for this purpose have been established.